I took an extended hiatus from blogging because managing a blog on my own with the limited capabilities of the webhost I was working with was proving to be unnecessarily cumbersome. I’m now happily relying on Jekyll and using Github for hosting, and I will be blogging again regularly as a result.

A lot has happened since my last post in November.

  1. The redesign of Dream Stream is complete. I will write up a future post about this.

  2. In September I started volunteering at Code for San Francisco. I have been working on the development side with the UX Research Group on an ambitious web app to help users find projects that they are a good fit for. I’ve learned an enormous amount from this collaboration. Expect a lot of posts about the work I do with them.

  3. In the course of working with the UX Research Group I’ve had to work with a variety of Javascript frameworks, so I actually have opinions about them now. I will probably refrain from talking about this in any depth (does the world really need another Vue vs React blog post???) but it seemed worth mentioning as a sort of personal milestone in my leap into the world of programming.

  4. I started teaching myself Rust. It is still early days for that, but learning Rust is giving me a deeper understanding about the fundamentals of programming and computer science so it is an incredibly exciting journey.

  5. I made the bold step to quit my legal job so I could dedicate myself to searching for programming jobs, and learning more without being exhausted by the grind of full time work.

That’s all for now.